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Vehicle engine driven generator/welding systems, bespoke electrical power from your vehicle
The renown Unipower 299 Multi-function generator/welder ideally suited for maintenance vehicles, farmers, builders, mobile vehicle refinisher/repairs, marine, etc.
We Manufacture our own generator mounting brackets and all in house fitting facility.

Please see our other products and price list, contact us for further details

299 Brochure




Mechanical Service and repairs

The renown Power-Tec 4KW single phase full sine wave 240V generator. This generator will power almost all items up to a maximum of 4KW. This unit is available up to 15KW


Power-Tek 4 Data Sheet


Power-Tek 4KW 3phase vehicle engine driven generator with compressor


Example of a 3 phase hydrovane compressor powered by a Power-Tek 4KW 3phase system allowing both three phase and single phase usage from one source


Bespoke bracket manufacture

In house bracket manufacture to suit most applications. This example is of a 6KW Power-Tek Alternator fitted to a MAN fire brigade vehicle. This application uses the original belt drive of the vehicle without major alteration.


One off bespoke parts manufacture and part repairs

We stock a large selection of multi V/Rib belts along with various pulleys, idler, brackets e.t.c



Multifunction 299 Turbo

Multifunction 299 Turbo as fitted in vehicle installation. This system allows arc welding 110 Volt AC Quasi Wave with 12V/24V DC charging.


One off bespoke parts manufacture and part repairs

We manufacture one off parts to your specification, assist your experimental work, and provide machining service however small, lathe, milling, grinding surface and cylindrical, cutting etc. re-bushing your existing parts etc.

Just contact us for a quote



Mechanical Service and repairs

The complete rebuild of a Bentley 200 tonne elliptic forging press.
Repairs carried out on most mechanical/ hydraulic/air power presses.

Manufacture of bespoke parts for most mechanical equipment.

Full mobile repair service and workshop repair facility.

Specialist repairs for upsetting forge machines and manufacture of parts as required



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